Monday, 8 February 2016

How To Style Boots

Brown Boots
Brown boots are easy to style. You can wear black and you can wear jeans. Lighter coloured jeans would go perfect with brown boots. Leggings would work, black jeans would work, and even dark coloured skinny jeans would look great. 

Black Boots
Many people wear black leggings with these and that works. Other coloured jeans might not look as well but it really depends on your jeans. But I would for sure go with black leggings or black skinny jeans.

Grey Boots
These are kind of the same as black boots. Except jeans would look good with these but black fabric would look really fantastic.

White Boots
If the colour is more of a creamy colour I'd probably  stick with black trousers. But if the colour is bright white, wear whatever colour trousers you want with it. Anything would match to be honest.

Red Boots
Black is literally the answer  to everyone. Black would look really good. But so would dark denim skinny jeans. Don't ever wear light jeans with them.

~When you wear boots, you can wear leg warmers or long socks under them and pull them up a bit so you can see them coming out the top.

~For shirts with these outfits, I would do a bigger sweater or just a regular long sleeved shirt. But you could even do a t-shirt with a cute scarf.

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